Tag Archives: jessica alba

Fashion & Football

I’m not suggesting you buy an outfit that demands four inch heels if you can’t navigate a tailgate in four inch heels. Lord knows no one wants to be maneuvering down the stadium stairs like a newly born fawn. Alcohol will get most of you. The shoes are just an unnecessary obstacle. Anyhow, let’s check out how celebrities are color-blocking in orange and purple this season.

Jessica Alba all aglow in her maternity maxi.

Kim K. in Gucci. Did she just come out of that bottle she is holding?

However you color block, I wouldn’t recommend sitting like that. Sorry Ri-Ri.

Isn’t this British celebrity Cheryl Cole? This is how I imagine Wonder Woman would color-block.

J. Hudson looks amaze and I’m really happy she seems healthy.

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A southern suitor, fashion & football, festivity & more.