Tag Archives: gift ideas

Everyday is a gift. And these ain’t so bad either.

In celebration of college football season, gift-giving just got a whole lot easier. Why not give the gift of team spirit? I needed ideas for a birth, a birthday and a baby shower and found these team-themed treats to be a huge hit.


For the man of the house, a stainless steel flask wrapped in dyed leather – his team color, of course. You’re in charge of sips after it ships though.


You know us southern folk love to dress up on game day, baby boy included. How about a tiny bow tie? In team colors, duh.


If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. Well, get her this adorable phone case. Mix and match her team colors with multiple shell options.


Papa is always proud when his baby girl shows school pride. Team logo’ed diaper covers – adorbs!

Hope you enjoyed these, my friends sure did. Or, they pretended to my face to enjoy them. For more gift ideas, follow us on Pinterest at Pinterest.com/purpleskinnyjns.

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A southern suitor, fashion & football, festivity & more.